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Female Numri i postimeve : 51
Join date : 28/07/2014
Age : 33
Location : Ohio USA

Kynane Empty
MesazhTitulli: Kynane   Kynane EmptyTue 15 Feb 2022, 21:31


Kynane or Kena is the archetype of ancient Albanian princess, independent and strong personality, politically active and trained in the art of war, leading her own armies to battle. Kynane was born around 360 BC, the daughter of Philip by a warrior queen of Dardania named Audata or Etuta/Teuta who raised her child according to traditional Albanian customs, giving her military training and education in political maneouvring. Kynane showed an audacious spirit at an early age, even rivalling her brother Alexander by untertaking a successful campaign on her own in north Albania against the Autariati tribe who were plannig a local revolt against Macedon. Kynane probably led her Dardan contingent into Autariat territory where she killed in single combat the local queen Caeria, and thus bringing the Autariati tribe back into Macedon confederacy. Kynane however become famous during the Successors Wars when she challenged both Antipater and Perdikas by crossing into Asia to marry her teenage daughter by Amyntas, Adea, to the new king Arridaus who was half wit and could be used by any of the Successors for their own ends. Perdikas knew if Adea married Arridaus he would lose control of the new king so he sent his brother Alketas to stop Kynane from reaching the imperial army. Kynane however refused to turn back and was killed by Alketas in single combat when his troops had not wish to fight the sister of Alexander. The sight of Kynane’s death horrified the soldiers of both armies and they mutinied, forcing Alketas to allow the marriage of Adea to Arridaus to take place as Kynane had wanted.

Kynane 272157570-1260574814450454-8632848316564701993-n
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